1429 Great Spirit, Portola, CA 96122, USA

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Property type: ?

Bedrooms: ?

Bathrooms: ?

Receptions: ?

Year built: ?

Total Plot Size: ?

Total Inside Area: ?

Last Sold: MAY 2023

Price: $15000

What can it be sold for now?

AI think: $241,794

Users think: N/A

Agents think: $15,000  1 agent(s) valuations found

HPI banks think: $15,169


2023-09-22 16:24, User_1
New listed For Sale price $15000 from 2023-05-05
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1

MARGARET MARY GARNER, BROKER, Mimi Garner Agent Valuation of this property is 90,000 USD


This is a deeded interest in two weeks in a luxury timeshare at Nakoma Resort. One Fixed week repeats every year Week 37 which is scheduled for 9/16 - 9/23/2022. This year's float week is scheduled for 11/4 - 11/11/2022. The Butterfly Timeshare weeks owned by the Resort owners rent out for $699 per night. Come enjoy a luxury vacation twice a year -- forever. Monthly fees include use of the Altitude Recreation Center. Call agent to schedule a showing of the Villas. If it is currently rented out, it cannot be shown during that week's stay.

Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-15 13:43, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A