1859 Noblestown Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15205, USA

Claim this property to become verified owner or agent

Property type: ?

Bedrooms: ?

Bathrooms: ?

Receptions: ?

Year built: ?

Total Plot Size: ?

Total Inside Area: ?

Last Sold: DEC 2021

Price: $151000

What can it be sold for now?

AI think: $177,444

Users think: N/A

Agents think: $151,000  1 agent(s) valuations found

HPI banks think: $172,593


2023-09-25 06:27, User_1
Property Sold on 2021-12-23 for $151000
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-17 01:20, User_1
Property Sold on 2021-12-23 for $151000
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1

YOUR TOWN REALTY LLC Agent Valuation of this property is 159,000 USD


Great location, just a few minutes from shopping, restaurants, public transportation and downtown Pittsburgh. The house have stained glass windows, lots of windows and lights, a covered front and back porch, covered rear deck and fenced in yard wrapped in green for privacy, good room sizes, the basement is large with a walk out to the rear yard.

Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2021-08-01 15:36, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A