2016 N Main St, Fall River, MA 02720, USA

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Property type: ?

Bedrooms: ?

Bathrooms: ?

Receptions: ?

Year built: ?

Total Plot Size: ?

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Last Sold: SEP 2023

Price: $975000

What can it be sold for now?

AI think: $1,306,010

Users think: N/A

Agents think: $975,000  1 agent(s) valuations found

HPI banks think: $969,788


2023-09-25 12:22, User_1

Divine Real Estate, Inc., Marcus Duviella Agent Valuation of this property is 975,000 USD


CASH COW !!!! 8 units. Owner has completed many repairs and updates. Located in favorable North End of Fall River. Near highways, on bus line and market. Blocks from the train. Rental income over $11,000/monthProof of funds to be submitted before scheduling any showing!

Truth Factor: N/A
2023-09-25 12:22, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2023-09-25 12:22, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A
2023-09-25 12:22, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A