2280B Poole Way, Carson City, NV 89706, USA

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Last Sold: SEP 2023

Price: $137000

What can it be sold for now?

AI think: $157,653

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Agents think: $137,000  1 agent(s) valuations found

HPI banks think: $136,268


2023-09-24 01:05, User_1

Pioneer Real Estate Center, Robert L Shull Agent Valuation of this property is 137,000 USD


secluded 0.25 vacant lot in the back of the mobile home Only is for sale! Comes with all utilities, the property has a easement driveway south of the garage, A accepted offer is subject to the seller getting a survey, parcel map, and or a special use permit approved with the city. The property was 2280 Poole Way #B a few years ago. The mobile home and garage on the front lot are not part of this sale! The seller is going to pay for and get it subdivided once he receives an accepted offer.

Truth Factor: N/A
2023-09-24 01:05, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A