2314 Dean Ct, Brookings, SD 57006, USA

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Property type: ?

Bedrooms: ?

Bathrooms: ?

Receptions: ?

Year built: ?

Total Plot Size: ?

Total Inside Area: ?

Last Sold: OCT 2022

Price: $399900

What can it be sold for now?

AI think: $393,532

Users think: N/A

Agents think: $399,900  1 agent(s) valuations found

HPI banks think: $423,739


2023-09-18 01:23, User_1
Property Sold on 2022-10-28 for $399900
Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-12 20:06, User_1

Best Choice Real Estate, Kelan Bludorn Agent Valuation of this property is 399,900 USD


Check out this craftsmen's style ranch home in Brookings in the Christie Heights addition neighboring the Dakota Prairie Elementary school. This home offers 4 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms and a large 3 stall garage with a fully fenced in backyard. Built in 2018 this homes is just like new with modern finishes throughout, call your agent today to check out this great new listing!

Truth Factor: N/A
2022-08-12 20:06, User_1
Truth Factor: N/A