309 N Michigan Ave, Big Rapids, MI 49307, USA
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Property type: ?
Bedrooms: ?
Bathrooms: ?
Receptions: ?
Year built: ?
Total Plot Size: ?
Total Inside Area: ?
Last Sold: SEP 2023
Price: $194400
What can it be sold for now?
AI think: $214,802
Users think: N/A
Agents think: $194,400 1 agent(s) valuations found
HPI banks think: $193,361
RE/MAX TOGETHER, Joseph McNally Agent Valuation of this property is 194,400 USD
It's the income producer you have been looking for! This 5 bedroom 2 bath Rental property has many years of excellent rental records, and current leases in place through 2024. Clean, well maintained, and in a premier location in the heart of downtown Big Rapids on Michigan Ave, come and take a look, and make this your next cash-flow investment.