309 Wingfield St, Martinsville, VA 24112, USA
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Property type: ?
Bedrooms: ?
Bathrooms: ?
Receptions: ?
Year built: ?
Total Plot Size: ?
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Last Sold: AUG 2023
Price: $59900
What can it be sold for now?
AI think: $79,940
Users think: N/A
Agents think: $59,900 1 agent(s) valuations found
HPI banks think: $59,778
eXp Realty, Taylor Early Agent Valuation of this property is 99,900 USD
Cute remodeled first time buyer home. This two bedroom home has a convenient city location; close to businesses, shopping and restaurants. Wiring, flooring/carpet, light fixtures, and mini-splits less than a year old. A/C is a mini-split. New interior trim. Front has cute updated landscaping.