4717 Lafon Dr, New Orleans, LA 70126, USA
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Property type: ?
Bedrooms: ?
Bathrooms: ?
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Year built: ?
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Last Sold: AUG 2023
Price: $265000
What can it be sold for now?
AI think: $311,643
Users think: N/A
Agents think: $265,000 1 agent(s) valuations found
HPI banks think: $264,461
Essential Living Realty LLC, An'Arthur Platt Agent Valuation of this property is 265,000 USD
Come home to a 4 bed 2 bath spacious house with a 2-car garage and great outdoor spacing. Kitchen stainless steel appliances, living room, washroom, and den it’s enough room for family gathering. Primary room with walk in closet saltwater fish tank built in, included in sell. Flood zone X this home is priced to sell it's a must see.