Highway 36, Robinson, KS 66532, USA

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2023-09-22 00:17, User_1

Peoples Company, Steve Bruere Agent Valuation of this property is 1 USD


Brown County, Kansas Farmland Auction - Mark your calendar for November 9th! Peoples Company is pleased to be representing the sale of 92.8 acres m/l near Hiawatha, Kansas locally known as the Koelliker Farm. This farm has been in the family since 1969. Conveniently located at the intersection of Highway 36 and Timber Road, this highly tillable farm consists of 91.29 FSA cropland acres of which 88.37 of these acres m/l are currently farmed with the balance of the acres in water. Primary soil types include Marshall silty clay loam and Aksarben silty clay loam. The farm has gentle rolling slopes that allow water to navigate off of the property. In addition, the farm has been improved with drainage tile across many portions of the farm over the years. The exact locations and sizes are approximate. This property is located in the southwest quarter of Section 25 in Robinson Township. Visit our website for more information regarding this Auction!

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