TBD Webster Cemetery Road Lot 8, Troy, ME 04987, USA
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Property type: ?
Bedrooms: ?
Bathrooms: ?
Receptions: ?
Year built: ?
Total Plot Size: ?
Total Inside Area: ?
Last Sold: SEP 2023
Price: $75000
What can it be sold for now?
AI think: $156,808
Users think: N/A
Agents think: $75,000 1 agent(s) valuations found
HPI banks think: $74,599
Surette Real Estate Agent Valuation of this property is 75,000 USD
Looking for the perfect hunting plot or a large parcel to call your own? These beautiful woodlands have been in the same family for over 40 years and is now looking for its new owner(s) to appreciate all the property has to offer.